ISCaD, International Society of Communication and Drama – Family Album

ISCaD, International Society of Communication and Drama Meet the usual suspects Pantalone, the Lovers, the Captain, Zagna and Arlequin as they try to solve the problems of their dysfunctional families on the couch of an improbable psychiatrist. Muddling with bizarre interpretations of Freudian theories and internet scams, the (self-proclaimed) Doctor has everything under control. Or does she?
Created to celebrate Commedia dell’Arte Day in 2013, Family Album deals with contemporary themes using traditional Commedia masks. Central themes of these short comedy address identity quest, the need to overcome oppressive family cultures and the struggle to form meaningful relationships to sustain impossible ideals, or, in the words of Canadian sociologist Erhenberg, “the effort to be one Self”.
The play, written in collaboration with Emilia Teglia, founder and director of ISCaD, is performed by Paola Cavallin and Chiara D’Anna. Paola Cavallin is an independent Artistic Director specialised in Commedia dell’Arte and derived genres. Paola has worked extensively with half mask in Italy with several directors, among many Eugenio de Giorgi of Teatro Olmetto. She trained in Commedia dell’Arte at the school of “Avogaria” in her home city of Venice, with Enrico Bonavera (of teatro “Il Piccolo, Milan) and Carlo Boso. She is a renowned director and workshop leader tutoring at many drama schools (East 15, Rose Bruford, Central School of Speech and Drama) and Universities in London. In the UK she  directed Scaramouche, the Commedia dell’Arte Musical.
Chiara D’Anna is a physical theatre practitioner and Commedia dell’Arte specialist with international experience as an actor, a director, and a tutor and movement coach. Between 2005 and 2012 Chiara created and directed a wide range of pieces from stage productions to site-specific performances, from lecture-demonstrations to happenings and art events including: Don Quixote! Don Quixote!, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2012; Rocinante Rocinante!, 2010-12.

ISCaD, International Society of Communication and Drama, uses theatre to support intercultural communication. Commedia dell’Arte, Theatre of the Oppressed and Theatre for Language are some of the theatre forms allowing international amateur and professional actors members of ISCaD to learn more about themselves and their unique role in their social context of residence.

ISCaD, International Society of Communication and Drama










Unit 320
Netil House
1 Westgate Street
E8 3RL
T. 0044 07946 347 631


Facebook: ISCAD London